Sliver, of Clan Extremis

Level 18

Sliver, of Clan Extremis is an encounter designed to be more than a bit of an homage to Shredder from TMNT. Sliver is a powerful warlord, ruling over an arena known as the Court of Carnage with an iron fist. Or, rather, an iron claw. 

Sliver is designed to feel very alive as an encounter. He is constantly striking back at enemies, moving around, and ramping up his damage. Players should be warned ahead of time of the danger they're getting into, in case it was not already immediately obvious.

Use his Reposition Legendary Action to get him in a better position. Use his reaction often to give the illusion of a dynamic fight. It's alluring to use the Claw attacks all on one target, but spread them out frequently. Players will get a brief sigh of relief when his final attack is used on their ally instead of them.

Sliver is an adept fighter, a confident ruler, and does not like beating around the bush. He will tell you exactly what he is thinking when he is thinking it, and if you have issue with that, well...there's always the arena to settled disputes. He hasn't lost a fight and knows that very well. Play him as overconfident, but with the ability to back it up. 

Sliver has been around for centuries, as has the Court of Carnage. Early on, he made his name competing in the Court. He was a fan favorite, always put on a flashy show, darting to and fro. Eventually, he grew tired of the monotony - it was tough being so talented. So, he decided to look elsewhere, and set his eyes on ruling something. "Why not the Court" was his next thought. Suddenly, the previous owner of the arena went missing, and Sliver was bestowed the keys to the kingdom.

Since then, Sliver has amassed a following, and has recruited a small team. He obsesses over making sure the show that is put on is nothing short of excellent. After all...why should anything he do be lest than that?

The right music helps set the tone amazingly. Sliver should have very intense music that gives the vibe of an arena bout. Go For It from Witcher 3 hits that mark well!

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