The Wolf of Paav
The Wolf of Paav is a versatile encounter that can serve as a full combat, full roleplay, or mix of both. The Wolf's bite can temporarily transform its victims into werewolves. The werewolf bites, in turn, also can transform its victims into werewolves leading to a vicious cycle of constant transformation.
The Dollmaker
The Dollmaker is an epic level encounter, designed to be a bit more of an event than an all out brawl. The Dollmaker lays a list of consequences for not submitting a proper offering to a local town, and from there things go...downhill.
The Mirgik
Mirgiks are a type of demon, manifesting when they sense a moment of extreme vulnerability in an individual. The mirgik will lay a curse on the individual that manifested it, causing the individual to begin getting irrationally angry, feeding the mirgik as this feeling is escalated more and more until a breaking point is reached, and their victim reaches a breaking point. Unless stopped, the mirgik will move on to its next victim.
In Depth Side Quests
Every month, a series of new fleshed out bounties will be released complete with a stat block, visual aid, and a simple story to go along with it.
All bounties are available to view and use free of charge.