The Wolf of Paav

Level 8

The Wolf of Paav is a versatile encounter that can serve as a full combat, full roleplay, or mix of both. The Wolf's bite can temporarily transform its victims into werewolves. The werewolf bites, in turn, also can transform its victims into werewolves leading to a vicious cycle of constant transformation.


The Wolf of Paav is an encounter that can spiral out of control quickly. The Curse of Paav ability has some real snowball potential - while impossible to have the entire team transformed by the Wolf, it's possible to end up in an unending chain of shifting if people continue to fail their saving throws. The rest of the fight is very straightforward. As The Wolf, utilize its Reactive ability paired with Hit and Run to dart in and out of groups. Use Swipe to preface the Bite attack for a higher chance of things lining up.

Werewolves of Paav are quite simple, they only move and attack, but can also utilize Hit and Run for similar effects.


For mechanical reasons, the cursed bite from the Wolf only has a duration of 1 round, however if you want to inject a slew of potential roleplay opportunities into your game alongside this encounter, have the Curse last up to 24 hours. Here are some potential roleplay scenarios that you could present during this encounter:

  • As the party explores the area around the forest, they frequently catch sight of a pair of red eyes staring at them, and a low grown following suit

  • An individual inflicted with the Curse of Paav describes their nightmares, constantly having to run from shadow wolves who seem to be able to catch up to them no matter where they hide

  • A more intense evaluation of one of the inflicted individuals could occur, the party observing alongside doctors to document the effects, longevity, and state of someone dealing with the Curse. 

The Wolf of Paav is an attempt at biological mutation by a crazed alchemist. The mutations infused into the Wolf bestowed it with regenerative abilities, and a bite that has hallucinogenic and transformative properties. The alchemist's work has largely gone unnoticed until now. Who knows what other concoctions they have been working on?


The Wolf of Paav has a few potential "stages" to it. Each present their own unique moods you can convey, here are what I'd suggest.

While investigating the area surrounding the town, there's a couple of different avenues you could take for your music options. If you want a traditional "we don't know the depth of what we're in yet" experience, A Bard's Tale will fit the bill well. If you want something that hits more a mystery/tension, Forbidden Forest works well!

While investigating victims of the Wolf's bite, Seeking Resonance is a song filled with dread that has a sinister undertone.

During combat,  The Way of the Witcher works well, being a fast paced song with plenty of tension in its notes. 

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