Lort, the Disgraced Chef

level 6

Lort, an ogre with dreams of becoming a world renowned chef, was banned from an event known as the Great Faerun Bake Off due to using...unscrupulous parts. As it turns out, the judges weren't too keen on being fed a human pie. He's come back this year to enact his revenge for the "unjust" ban.

Lort's fight is chaotic. Not only is there a slew of animated food whacking at anything that dares get too close to it, the people of the festival are trying to get away, and Lort is doing any and everything in his power to enhance that chaos. 

Animate Food is the key aspect of this fight, and Lort should start the fight with a few active already. Use the Animated Food to confuse and astound, constantly assaulting those that try to deal with Lort. Try and use Revoltingly Delicious early on to properly convey the ability to consume the food. 

If your party is quickly dispatching the Animated Foods, you can always start having Lort animate more at initiative 20 or initiative 0 to keep the fight intense. 

Lort is a bit unhinged at this point - he's obsessed with getting his revenge, no matter the cost, and doesn't care how much destruction he causes. He either doesn't understand or doesn't want to understand the culture of those who rejected him, and holds more "traditional" ogre values - take what you want and kill anyone in the way. 

Lort has wanted to be a chef for his entire life, cooking for his small village as he grew up. He's been attending the Great Faerun Bake Off for several years, using unconventional and generally unaccepted materials to make his dish. Upon deciding to use actual humanoids in his concoction last year, he was forcibly ejected and banned for life. For an entire year he's stewed with that rejection. Now...he's cooking something only he will enjoy.  


The entire concept of this fight in frankly a bit goofy, and also Super Mario RPG had some bangin' music. Try out Fight Against An Armed Boss from Super Mario RPG for it! 

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