Ishikiel Taziral

Level 14

Ishikiel Taziral roams from town to town, an assassin for hire. He'll accept jobs from those he deems in need, taking payment from them to "take out their trash". Once he accepts the job, he'll vet the target carefully. If he deems them worthy of his services, he'll follow through. Otherwise, he'll return the coin and leave town.


Though Ishikiel has a stat block, not all paths lead to violence. Perhaps when the party stumbles onto his work, they'll find they agree with his methods. Perhaps they just miss him, constantly chasing a whisper of a person who leaves havoc in their wake. Or, perhaps, he can just talk his way out of it. But perhaps not. 

Ishikiel's fight works in two parts - his actions, and the echo that comes with his shadow. Ishikiel's shadowy form goes directly after him in initiative, performing every action he performed during his turn, but not necessarily on the same person. If Ishikiel moves 30 feet towards the Sorceror in your party, the shadow can ALSO move 30 feet - but maybe it moves towards the Rogue instead.

There are some highly situational choices that can be made with Ishikiel's kit, so make sure you understand each action type and what potential each has. 

Ishikiel is a generally very well balanced and upbeat. In conversations, he comes across as warm and friendly, quickly endearing himself to those around him. When it comes to his work, however, his personality changes drastically. He becomes cold, calculating, and careful. He's a predator on the prowl, and his prey rarely, if ever, notices him. As soon as the job is complete, Ishikiel becomes distant from the townsfolk he just endeared himself to. The next morning, he's gone without so much of a goodbye. 

Though Ishikiel will take contracts from whoever, he is quite careful to make sure the target is deserving of his blade. He will spend several nights stalking them, going through their belongings, and generally ensuring that the person before him deserves what's coming. This is the code he lives by to "justify" what he's devoted his life to. He is well aware that his profession of choice is questionable in the morals department, so takes great care to at least follow his simple code.


Not much is known about Ishikiel's past, however their might be whispers of his recent deeds. A note of someone who's been seen in a negative light suddenly disappearing. The local bandits in a town suddenly stopping their thuggish acts. A well-regarded politician being taken out in broad daylight by "A lone shadow". All of these whispers could point to Ishikiel.


When investigating the assassin, an eerie track fits well. One that's off-putting, but still draws you in. Assassins of Kings from Witcher 2 and 3 is an excellent choice for this.

When full combat breaks out, a fast and intense track is warranted - You're Immortal from Witcher 3 is an excellent option to hit an alternative sounding combat song.

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