
Level 14

K'rell is an encounter designed to be more than a bit of an homage to Krang from TMNT. The actual K'rell is the brain that resides inside of the ogre, while the ogre is simply a puppet he controls. 

K'rell is a fast paced, brutal encounter. He will constantly change from slamming his two boulders into the ground to knock opponents down, and body slamming them with Raging Slam. 

He is also terrified of those wield magic, knowing how devastating they can be, and has learned some ways to counter them through Baleful Screen and Oh I Don't Think So.

K'rell is incredibly intelligent. But, he knows it, and flaunts it. Oftentimes, people cannot stand being in his presence for longer than a few minutes before becoming exasperated with him. He has a superiority complex and does not respect anyone, save Sliver. 

Play him incredibly confident in his own abilities, and kind of a complete jerk. Or, play him however you want - it's your game!

Not much is known of K'rell, he appeared out of nowhere and enlisted in Sliver's group. He brought with him a bevy of knowledge and now functions primarily as a driving force of improvements around the Court of Carnage.

No one's sure how long he's been "driving" this vessel of his, or if the creature was willing in the first place. All they know is, they don't like him. But, that's ok. The feeling's mutual.
The right music helps set the tone amazingly. K'rell should have a very chaotic theme, with a bit of intrigue about it. Monstrous Might from Gwent: A Witcher Card Game hits that mark pretty well!

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