Qilinsh, Queenslayer

Level 13

Qilinsh is a dangerous threat. Once a highly respected member of the queensguard, he forsook her rule and committed regicide. A country in turmoil, Qilinsh roams the countryside, avoiding capture and sewing more chaos. 

Qilinsh is an adept fighter, and is excellent at combatting his opponents. He has distinct choices to make on each turn that counter different things. 

At the start of each fight, he takes a short period to play very defensive, doing his best to avoid whatever attacks come at him while taken opportune strikes when he can. Once he's studied his opponents a bit, he will start acting a bit more aggressive. 

Qilinsh is an excellent fighter, make sure you utilize the various aspects of his kit to your advantage. If you have a particularly annoying spellcaster, chances are they're concentrating on something. Use Cloudy Thoughts to eliminate part of that threat. 

If you have a ranged weapon user, utilize Infernal Blades and Blazing Slash to whittle them down while avoiding the sword swings coming at him. 

Qilinsh is a cold, rigid warrior. He has a rigid code to uphold, which for the longest time revolved around a job. Infiltrate the Queen's unit, become trusted, and end her. Though he is a bit cold at first, those that he became friendly with have noted a warmness to him. His humor is very subtle, but it's there. 

When he has a job on his mind though, there is no joking around. There is only the job, and making sure it gets done well. 

Qilinsh, as written, is hails from an enemy kingdom. He has been sent to the kingdom to do nothing more than get information. Once he arrives and spends some time amongst the kingdom, however, he spies an opportunity.  The queensguard has vacancies, if he plays his cards right he can cut the head off the serpent entirely. 


He eventually got a minor position in the guards, and was immediately met with a slew of hatred from his fellow guards being from the enemy kingdom. Though it would be warranted if they knew his motives...they didn't. He was mocked, ridiculed, cornered and beaten up for the longest time by those he was serving with. Eventually, he proved himself in their eyes. They started viewing him as an ally, even a friend, instead of an outside. But, even if he had not been there with a specific purpose, the damage had been done. 

He rose through the ranks, eventually earning the favor of the Queen herself. He had several people he could consider friends in the kingdom. But, every time he started to get comfortable in his "new home" he thought back to his mission. To how he was treated. The fire sprung anew. 

Finally, his time to strike came. But it was too late - the Queen's forces had already stormed the keep of his King's castle and slain him. In a fit of rage, he made an example of her - blood for blood, right in the middle of the throne room. Then he fled. Kingdomless, purposeless, wandering. 

Where did he go from there?

The right music helps set the tone amazingly. Qilinsh should feel like an intense fight, and throughout should get more intense. He's an extremely strong warrior, who does what he needs to in order to complete his mission. Kell's Fury is an excellent intense track for his fight, and there's even a more intense version for later on in the combat. 

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