Quentillion, Master of the Hunt

Level 14



Quentillion, Master of the Hunt, functions as a "big boss" type. He should be heralded by several interactions along the way, and have a bunch of build up to him.

Quentillion serves as the wrath of nature. Humanity has taken land they shouldn't have, and now nature is lashing out at them for it. 

Quentillion uses his grasp over nature to disrupt the enemies around him. He has control over all wildlife in the area, can conjure plants to disrupt, and otherwise hits very hard himself. He will rotate between ranged and melee weaponry as needed, using his talents in both fields to eliminate the biggest threats while his pets distract for him. 
Quentillion will use his unique blend of command of nature and martial prowess to do what he can in that regard. He'll order Swarms of Beasts into advantageous positions, and drop Spike Growths in key spots to create choke points for his opponents. All the while, he'll be ripping into them with his vicious sword and bow, Fury and Wrath. 
Quentillion is the champion of nature, and all of its beasts - so let's got some good flavor in there! The Swarms can have different "archetypes", try to sprinkle in a good variety to keep it fresh. If you want to be really mean, you can sprinkle in a gathgan as well - simply use a lower health version of Clikke's stat block if you wish to do this. 

Quentillion believes he is on a righteous path. He believes he is doing what is right, that civilization is the enemy, and that by eliminating them he is doing a great service to nature. As a byproduct of being an extendsion of nature's wrath - he is almost sociopathic at this point. He himself has lost most of his emotions, and only cares for "The Path". 

As such, he is both a great and terrible leader. He makes the hard decisions without giving things a second thought, but shows not even an ounce of regret for those lost. He lives his life solely according to The Path, and will not make decisions to go against it. 

While he is devout to The Path, he is not immediately hostile towards those that seek his audience - provided they have not openly assaulted the environment around them while he could see them. He will often take audience with a member or two from the village to "hear them out", and even try to convince them to convert to The Path. They will not receive a second chance to do so.


The Mov'ari tribe have been in existence for a long, long time. Quentillion took over the tribe a few hundred years ago, after becoming the champion of the wilderness. Things started off very good. When they received direction, Quentillion lead a strike force to eliminate the threat to nature. Then they returned to an almost dormant state, returning to their village to relax. 

Over time, however, Quentillion became jaded. They spent so much time heading off threats after they happen. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, another threat was already brewing. He grew tired of chasing the coat tails of danger and began to think to himself - what if we eliminated the threats before they began? 

He began attacking smaller villages, wiping out the entirety of it then moving to the next closest one. At first, none of his tribe thought much of it. Quentillion is the champion of nature after all, he must know what he's doing. When the targets of their assaults continued to be smaller, just starting off farmsteads however, the tribe grew doubtful. They began questioning him. A small amount left. Quentillion had them tracked down and slain. None left after that. Now, the doubters of his tribe don't even believe nature speaks to him anymore. 

Quentillion is aware of Efritus' betrayals, but thinks nothing of it. After all, she has not been able to successfully warn anyone thus far. It's almost amusing to him watching her struggle. A game of cat and mouse that only he knows they are playing - just as it should be. The cat that is seen by the mouse prior to the pounce is a poor cat, after all.

The right music helps set the tone amazingly. There is possibly a roleplay and a fight portion of this encounter, depending on how you want to play it. 

During the roleplay portion, you could go one of two ways. If previously using Efritus, you could have the tie in of the same music - Ysgith from Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. If not, Kell Rising from Destiny conveys a sinister and mysterious tone.

On the fight itself - chaos ensues. Wild animals will be everywhere, Quentillion will be changing his fighting style constantly, and even plant life will attempt to stop the players. We want something to convey that chaos while also having a "big boss fight" sound to it. The Beast of Beauclair from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine will definitely help convey that feeling of chaos and intensity. 

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