Veronni & Tryde

Level 12


Veronni and Tryde are a dynamic criminal duo who are versatile and have not yet been able to be stopped. They both wield ancient artifact weapons that they are slowly starting to unlock the full potential of, and use this to steal, pilfer, and plunder. They've flittered from town to town, picking each clean of the things they want before moving onto the next.

Veronni and Tryde are a touch chaotic of a fight - both wield weapons beyond their full understanding, that are intensely powerful. Veronni wields "Thorn", an ancient shovel that is infused with the essence of a rose. Though appearing almost comical in nature, the weapon is quite deadly. She has unlocked much of it's potential, and will utilize this constantly.

Neither are above fighting dirty either, so feel free to sprinkle in some pulp style action. Throwing dirt in eyes, trips, using their terrain, surroundings or the people near them, you name it. They only care about their survival.
Veronni will control the battlefield - both in the physical sense and the mental. Using Spike Wall, she will control what opponents can move where, and she will constantly order Tryde around to be in more advantageous positions. 
She has also unlocked much potential in Thorn - the ancient shovel has many effects that promote healing the wielder and preventing damage. She will often utilize these, causing a distraction and allowing Tryde to do what he does best - eliminate the enemy.

Tryde, on the other hand, wields Midnight. A blade with a sinister past, Midnight has several tools to navigate around and eliminate your foes. Tryde will attack quite aggressively, using the darkening and blinding effects of Midnight to put his opponents on their back foot.

When he feels it will not affect Veronni negatively, he will use Darkness and combine this with A Step Into Darkness to disorient and assault his enemies.  When surrounded, he will utilize Midnight's Cold Embrace. He has a full understanding of how this ability works, and will often save this until he has 3-4 enemies around him.  

Veronni is cold, calculating, and intelligent. When the fight isn't going in their favor, she will manipulate the battlefield to ensure a swift escape. When she spots an opening against a key target, she will target the opening without remorse. When speaking to anyone except Tryde(outside of combat), she is straight the point and does not deal much with pleasantries. Despite this, she knows how to navigate around a conversation extremely well. If the players catch any conversation of her and Tryde outside of combat, she will be much warmer, almost as if she is a different person entirely.


Tryde, on the other hand, is charming but brutish. He is charismatic in a stumbling-to-the-point type of way, and often manages to talk his way into or out of situations simply due to this. He is fiercely loyal to Veronni, and almost seems in a fervor when listening to her commands. He *is* controlled by her, but it is of his own accord. He loves her dearly, and understands that he doesn't always act the best, so he just lets her move him to where he should be. If players do manage to break this mind control effect, he will still side with Veronni until death. 


Veronni and Tryde were a simple couple, down on their luck, trying to make it in the world. Veronni caught wind of the tale of Thorn and Midnight, and devised a plan. The pair, not having much experience in thieving, would up alerting the guards of the ancient crypts housing the weapons and had no choice but to kill them. This set them onto a career path of crime - with grave robbing and murder under their belts at this point, there was no turning back. 

After doing it for a short spell, Veronni realized quite good at the planning and scheming. Tryde realized he was quite good at shaking the information out of people. So, the two fell into their roles. Since then, they have been going from town to town, taking what they want. They have no room for remorse anymore, and will slay anyone who stands in their way in the slightest. 

Thorn, a shovel with a lurid history, was once wielded by a man of the cloth - his name long forgotten. Devoted to putting the undead back to rest, he would often be seen digging graves for the poor raised souls immediately after eliminating them.

Midnight was once wielded by a necromancer, the woman causing the blight of undeath around. She would raise countless to assault nearby towns and cause chaos. It's said that Thorn and Midnight were responsible for dealing the final blow to each other's wielders. It's only fitting that they're being used together now.

The right music helps set the tone amazingly. There are really two stages to this encounter - the roleplay and the fight.

During the roleplay, something mood setting with a sinister tone to it should hit the mark. The pair are a bit unpredictable, you never really know when they'll have a nice chat, or outright attack you. Exodus, from A Plague Tale: Innocence can hit this mark quite well.

During the fight portion, something faster paced, and a little chaotic will do wonders. There's no questions anymore though, so we don't want anything too sinister. This is a good ol' fashioned brawl. Terminal March from Bastion may be just the chaotic mood you need!


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